COVID-19 Member IMPACT Teleconference

9:30am Thursday, 26 March 2020
11:00am Thursday, 26 March 2020
Zoom Meeting
Teleconference 5000

The COVID-19 pandemic is expected to have a significant impact across the wine value chain. WISA is taking action to understand the impacts to better inform our advocacy efforts. We would like to invite WISA members to join us for a teleconference to discuss the impacts this pandemic is having on your business. We will have key industry experts on the line who can offer immediate general advice and information. 

There is no denying the ever-changing landscape and unprecedented circumstances we are facing due to COVID-19 are having a negative impact on many, if not all of our members. To ensure we are doing all we can to assist in this trying time we ask that you join us for a teleconference and tell us first hand how this pandemic is impacting you and your businesses. 

During this discussion, facilitated by our CEO, Matthew Moate, we aim to unpack the issues you are facing, provide immediate support where possible and workshop new and innovative ways WISA can assist in the short, medium and long term. Key objectives include but aren't limited to discussing:

  • Major challenges current and expected
  • Members who may be able to assist each other and best methods to do so
  • Measures and Recommendations for industry stimulus
  • Identify any areas requiring more specific support where additional themed calls could be scheduled (i.e. Cashflow management or similar)

Before the call we ask that your business also completes our COVID-19 Wine Industry IMPACT Survey to assist our advocacy efforts.

We hope that discussions such as this will minimise the immediate negative impact COVID-19 is having on our businesses and our jobs and ensure a speedy recovery when this pandemic passes. 

Please register via the link below, once registered you will receive an email confirmation with the Zoom link. We hope you can join us.     

Contact Information

Hannah Harding

WISA Marketing & Events Coordinator

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