Winemakers' Federation of Australia Packaging Guidelines
- 21 May 2018
- Generic
The Winemakers’ Federation of Australia (WFA) Packaging Committee was established to enable the development of a unified position for the wine industry in regard to packaging related issues. By maintaining a forum for direct discussion amongst industry stakeholders, the Packaging Committee is positioned to respond to political, technological, environmental, regulatory and market-driven changes in wine, wine product and brandy packaging.
A key initiative of the committee was the creation and continued revisions to the Wine Packaging Guidelines. The guidelines are intended to provide a basic level of understanding of fundamental wine packaging issues for small to medium wineries and new entrants to the industry and are best used as a guide to the discussions that wineries should be having regarding specifications required for dry goods between packaging suppliers, wineries/brand owners and wine packagers.
With the fast pace of innovation and packaging technology, it is critical that a whole of industry approach is taken to ensure that these important guidelines remain current, relevant and valuable for Australia’s wine producers.
As part of Wine Industry Suppliers Australia Inc (WISA) participation on the WFA Packaging Committee, we are seeking feedback on the following:
Please review the current guidelines here.
WISA will collect and consolidate feedback for consideration by the WFA Packaging Committee and provide an updated Packaging Guidelines in due course.
The deadline for submissions is the: 31 July 2018
Email your Submissions to:
Winemakers’ Federation of Australia Packaging Committee
C/- Wine Industry Suppliers Australia Inc
Matthew Moate