About WISA Membership

WISA provides a collective voice to supplier businesses to have market access and a strong, respected influence for commercial impact.

In the spirit of collaboration, WISA has over 20 years of membership representation and continues to build ongoing partnerships with producers, industry, government and suppliers.

WISA is an agile organisation that is continually improving its value to its members and broader stakeholders and has a strong history in delivering industry inclusive and accessible initiatives ensuring that those organisations are best placed to deliver value for the Australian winegrape and winemaking community.

The most common form of membership is 'Corporate Membership', although sole traders may join at a reduced subscription rate, while the Association is pleased to offer several premium packages for members who wish to enhance their membership.

Corporate Membership benefits:

  • All nominated staff members you provide will be included in all Association correspondence and invitations,
  • Discounted tickets to WISA events including the Wine Industry Impact Conference and the Wine Industry Impact Awards Gala Dinner,
  • Invitations to other Association events such as ‘WISA Uncovered’ tours and networking events,
  • New members receive recognition by way of a short corporate profile in both the Association’s professional site on LinkedIn as well as in the widely distributed e-newsletter,
  • Receipt of regular newsletters that include industry news updates and invitations to industry functions,
  • The opportunity to participate in one of the Association’s working groups,
  • Eligibility to enter the Wine Industry Impact Awards,
  • WISA website listing in the industry directory that includes contact details for you and your staff as well as a business profile, and
  • Association voting rights at General Meetings including the opportunity to nominate for the Association’s Management Committee.


Key Initiatives

WineTech® Trade Exhibition

  • The WineTech® Trade Exhibition is Australia's premier triennial grape and wine supplier trade exhibition providing a platform to make new connections, share knowledge and launch innovation.  WISA is proud to be an official partner of WineTech® that will be next held at the Adelaide Convention Centre from 21 to 23 July 2025.  Future events will be held in 2028, 2031 and so on.

Wine Industry IMPACT Awards

  • The Wine Industry IMPACT Awards is an annual program that brings the entire industry together, builds knowledge, awareness and promotes connections.  The Awards process opens in the mid-year, with the announcement at the renowned Awards’ Gala Dinner held in November. It is a superb opportunity for members and industry to get together and recognise excellence in a host of different sectors that support the production and marketing of Australian wine.

Wine Industry IMPACT Conference

  • The Wine Industry IMPACT Conference provides the opportunity for the sharing of knowledge to address and improve capability and competitiveness of Australian wine’s supply chain.  Themes are always topical, and bring together industry leaders to address the key issues of the day.

Wine Industry Mentor Program - Partner

  • The Wine Industry Mentor Program is a whole of sector initiative aiming to support and inspire the future generations of wine industry professionals by tapping into the experiences and insights from the best in their field.

    The program that links mentors and mentees boasts Australia’s most highly respected and experienced wine sector leaders, who are passionate about wine and the future of the Australian wine industry. These individuals give their time willingly and voluntarily to support and foster the growth of the Australian wine sector.

    It is proudly supported by Wine Communicators of Australia, The University of Adelaide, Wine Australia and the Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology.

Educational and Networking Events

  • Promoting and hosting events that bring businesses and customers together to share innovation in educational and social settings.

Communication and Collaboration

  • Actively communicating news, opportunities and content across the industry to encourage collaboration between industry stakeholders. The Association’s social media presence on LinkedIn is one of the most popularly followed Australian wine industry professional sites, while the Association’s e‑newsletter produced monthly has extensive reach within the industry’s supply chain.

Advocacy and Representation

  • The Association represents the interests of members and advocates the benefits and opportunities through a range of industry committees and working groups. The Association itself also has numerous working groups that are involved with information exchange and address issues of importance ranging from overcoming supply issues to driving the supply sector’s sustainability credentials.

Learn more about membership by selecting the membership type relevant for your organisation:

If your organisation is already a member, connect to their membership and access benefits once approved.