WISA Welcomes New Faces to the Management Committee at their AGM
On Thursday, 26 November, peak supplier body, Wine Industry Suppliers Australia Inc. (WISA), hosted their AGM reporting on the 2019/20 financial year.
In her final act as WISA Chair, Paula Edwards, from member business, Winegrapes Australia reported on the ups and downs of the year for the Association. “This reporting period has included many highlights during the first six months, followed by a more sobering final six months resulting from the ongoing impacts of COVID-19,” said Edwards.
The year started strong with WISA hosting events such as WineTech (in conjunction with Expertise Events and AWITC), the Wine Industry IMPACT Conference, the Wine Industry IMPACT Awards and the first instalment of the FOMENT Accelerator Program (in partnership with Hydra Consulting & Flinders NVI). Outgoing WISA Treasurer, Jordan Abbott from member company Bentleys SA/NT presented the financials with an optimistic outlook for the future of the Association despite the harsh impacts of COVID-19. “WISA is in a strong position to continue to serve its members and execute a new plan for the coming year,” said Abbott.
The WISA Management Committee had a bit of a shake-up with Chair, Paula Edwards, and Treasurer & Secretary, Jordan Abbott, both stepping down from the committee after six years of service making way for new committee members Tim Stead of Amorim Australasia and Daniel Polson of Winegrapes Australia. The committee was thrilled to elect Jason Amos into the role of Chair as well as promote Daniel Eggleton to Vice-Chair, Nathalie Taquet to Treasurer and Amy Bishop to Secretary.
The committee is now made up of the following:
Jason Amos, Lallemand Australia
Daniel Eggleton, Vinous Consulting
Nathalie Taquet, eBottli
Amy Bishop, DW Fox Tucker Lawyers
Committee Members
Robyn Haworth, Winetitles Media
Andrew Kuhndt, Orora Group
Daniel Polson, Winegrapes Australia
Robin Shaw, Wine Tourism Australia
Tim Stead, Amorim Australasia
Mike Whitehouse, Aspedia Australia
Jason Amos is enthusiastic about the composition of the committee and sees great strength in its diversity. “The cross-section, skillset and diversity of the WISA 2021 board is very pleasing and ensures the needs of members are well represented in our advocacy and working relationships within Australian Grape & Wine and Wine Australia,” said Amos